
Biology Chapter 5 Study Guide

Complete each statement.


The amount of biological diversity in an area is called ____________________.



____________________ is a branch of biology that focuses on the preservation of biodiversity.



The number of ____________________ in an area is a measure of biodiversity.



The biggest threat to biodiversity is ____________________.



Mexico has more biodiversity than the United States because it is _________________________.



Human development often creates small isolated patches of wildlife area. This is known as _____________________________.



The actions of zebra mussels and sea lamprey in the Great Lakes are examples of problems caused by ____________________ species.



____________________ programs seek to establish species in areas where they once lived.



Allowing local people to collect fallen branches from trees in a protected forest is an example of the philosophy of ____________________ use.



The U.S. ____________________ Act of 1973 gave legal protection to threatened and endangered species.



The use of CFCs can destroy the ____________________ in the upper atmosphere.



A patch of wildlife area may have different climate conditions around its perimeter. This is known as ____________________.



The brown pelican and the American bald eagle were threatened by the use of the pesticide ____________________.


Short Answer


Explain why biodiversity is important to people.


Describe four types of threats to biodiversity.


Why can exotic species be a problem in conservation biology?


How does habitat fragmentation threaten biodiversity?


Give an example of how habitat degradation threatened or threatens biodiversity.


Explain the relationship between size of an island and biodiversity.


Explain the relationship of distance from the equator and biodiversity.

Figure 5-1


Figure 5-1 shows an airplane view of two protected areas A and B. Which area is better for conservation biology? Why?

Figure 5-2


Figure 5-2 shows an airplane view of two protected areas C and D. Which area is better for conservation biology? Why?

Figure 5-3


Figure 5-3 shows an airplane view of two protected areas E and F. Which area is better for conservation biology? Why?


What problems are associated with keeping organisms in captivity for later reintroduction programs?


Why are tropical rain forests so rich in biodiversity?


Choose one organism whose population has increased after being labeled threatened or endangered. Explain why the population has increased.


Acid rain and fog kills trees in certain areas. Explain two ways that the acid rain and fog affect the trees.

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